Scholarship in memory of EO3 Christopher Dickerson assigned to NMCB 14 who was killed in action in Anbar province, Iraq, April 30, 2004. The scholarship is was funded by the net proceeds of the Washington DC Seabee Golf Invitational between 2019 and 2020.
Chris enlisted in the US Navy in 1992, spent five years on active duty, and reenlisted in the US Navy reserves in April 2003
Endowed Scholarships allow our investors to build a lasting legacy, impacting Seabee children and grandchildren for generations to come. Endowed Scholarships often honor or memorialize family members, Seabee leaders, NAVFAC units, organizations or corporations. Perpetual Named scholarships can be funded at three levels, $60,000, $120,000 and $150,000 and are named by the donor.
Contact Dan Miller at to start a endowed scholarship.