
Established in 2010 through an estate gift from CAPT Distelhurst. He was a graduate of Polytechnic Institute of New York University in New York City, NY with a degree in Civil Engineering. He was a licensed Professional Engineer in New York and the District of Columbia. He served in the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps during World War II in Seabee Construction Battalions in the Pacific Theater and at Navy Department Headquarters in Washington, D.C. in the design of aviation facilities and hospitals. After his active Navy service, CAPT Distelhurst joined the Naval Reserve and completing 28 years of service. In his civilian career, he was Assistant Director of Design of Veterans Administration hospitals and Director of the Construction Research Staff. CAPT Distelhurst passed away in 2010.


Interested in Funding an Endowed Scholarship?

Endowed Scholarships allow our investors to build a lasting legacy, impacting Seabee children and grandchildren for generations to come. Endowed Scholarships often honor or memorialize family members, Seabee leaders, NAVFAC units, organizations or corporations. Perpetual Named scholarships can be funded at three levels, $60,000, $120,000 and $150,000 and are named by the donor.

Contact Dan Miller at to start a endowed scholarship.