
Established by Captain Anthony P. Pasquariello shortly before his untimely death in 1981. Captain Pasquariello established this scholarship in honor of his sister as “a living tribute which would continue as a permanent memorial for a self-effacing lady who has devoted her entire life to God, family and community; and is still so doing with undiminished commitment.” For Captain Pasquariello, she was “…a veritable rock, an inexhaustible tower of strength and source of inspiration in support of my formal education, military career and professional work in civilian life. She carried a blazing torch for the Seabees and their famed Can-Do spirit.”


Interested in Funding an Endowed Scholarship?

Endowed Scholarships allow our investors to build a lasting legacy, impacting Seabee children and grandchildren for generations to come. Endowed Scholarships often honor or memorialize family members, Seabee leaders, NAVFAC units, organizations or corporations. Perpetual Named scholarships can be funded at three levels, $60,000, $120,000 and $150,000 and are named by the donor.

Contact Dan Miller at to start a endowed scholarship.