
Endowed Scholarships

Endowed Scholarships allow donors to build a lasting legacy that impacts Seabee children and grandchildren for generations to come. Endowed Scholarships honor or memorialize family members, Seabee leaders, Naval Construction Force units, organizations or corporations and are named by the donor. Scholarships can be funded between one and five years or with a planned gift. There are three funding levels, $60,000, $120,000 and $150,000. Each generates a different scholarship amount.

The Navy Seabee Foundation awards two-year, four-year and Career and Technical School scholarships.

Contact Dan Miller at to discuss endowing a scholarship.

All Endowed Scholarships

Last name, Organization or Company Starts with:


LaubenzSVA Donald E. Laubenz, PNC (SVA #13)

LevineCAPT Herbert P. Levine

LeptichSVA John Leptich & Willard Zonsius (SVA #20)

Long – MM3 Noah Long Sr. & RADM Noah Long Jr.

LozanoHenry Lozano