
A year or so ago I was at the Rock Island Arsenal visiting the graves of some of my Seabee friends. As I walked along the Memorial Walkway located at the cemetery, I noticed that there was no monument to the Seabees among the other memorials. I felt that was wrong. The Seabee’s had a local unit which was in Iraq and they had lost several members from that unit. Few people know that the Seabees are involved in places all over the world nor are they aware of what we do. I am a Seabee since 1953 and believe strongly in what we do. The S.V.A. said that they would sponsor a memorial project, so we collected the money to build it, created a design which represents retired Seabees, present Seabees and future Seabees. Our local unit came back home and on the Seabee birthday we had the dedication of the monument. We also have three flags, American, Navy, and Seabee to fly over the monument. We are there for all to know about us.

Richard D. Tittle Sr, EQCM (retired)

Attractions open to the public: Rock Island National Cemetery: Open Sunup to Sundown 7 days a week. Rock Island Arsenal Garrison Museum: Open 7 days a week 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Mississippi River Visitor Center: Open 7 days a week 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Memorial Day & Labor Day 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Colonel Davenport Historical Foundation: Open for tours May through mid-October on Thursday through Sunday noon to 4:00 p.m. Memorial Park: Open dawn to dusk 7 days a week. Visitor parking is available throughout the island.

Driving Directions

Directions Driving (from Iowa) To the Moline Entrance: take Interstate 74 East to the River Drive exit in Moline Illinois, and turn left. Go two blocks and just before the overpass turn right and follow the ramp up to Moline Bridge to the Arsenal. Directions Driving (from Illinois using 1-74) To access the Rock Island Arsenal Garrison from Illinois using 1-74 take 1-74 West through Moline to the 7th Avenue exit. Turn left onto 7th Avenue and follow to 14th Street. Turn right and go straight down the street and up the ramp to the Moline Bridge to the Arsenal. Stop at Main Gate, you will see the National Cemetery on the left. Go through Main Gate, and turn left into the Cemetery. Turn left at the Flag Pole in the Rotunda, and the Seabee Memorial will be just ahead. Look for an Archway to the Memorial Walk. The speed limit on Arsenal Island is 25 mph. Watch for signs. The Illinois seat belt law is enforced on Arsenal Island.